v. 17, n. 3,
July / September 2019
Conservation status and bio-ecology of Brycon orbignyanus (Characiformes: Bryconidae), an endemic fish species from the Paraná River basin (Brazil) threatened with extinction
Lívia Helena Tonella, Rosa Maria Dias, Oscar Barroso Vitorino Junior, Rosemara Fugi and Angelo Antonio Agostinho
Cytogenetic markers as tools in delimiting species of the highly diverse Neotropical fish Bryconamericus (Characiformes: Characidae)
Anahiê Bortoncello Prestes, Aline Nardelli, Leonardo Marcel Paiz, Mariane Gavazzoni and Vladimir Pavan Margarido
First chromosomal analysis of Gymnorhamphichthys britskii: the remarkable lowest diploid value within the family Rhamphichthyidae (Gymnotiformes)
Carlos Alexandre Fernandes, Allan Kardec Moreira de Aguiar, Leonardo Marcel Paiz, Lucas Baumgärtner, Diovani Piscor and Vladimir Pavan Margarido
Foraging behavior interactions between the invasive Nile Tilapia (Cichliformes: Cichlidae) and three large native predators
Tiago Birck, Hugo José Message, Gilmar Baumgartner, Nyamien Yahaut Sebastien and Dirceu Baumgartner
Movement and longitudinal distribution of a migratory fish (Salminus brasiliensis) in a small reservoir in southern Brazil
Lucas De Fries, Lisiane Hahn, Bruna Arbo Meneses, Luís Fernando da Câmara, Fernando Gertum Becker and Sandra Maria Hartz
Redescription of Schizodon dissimilis and appraisal of the dark barred species of the genus (Characiformes: Anostomidae)
Júlio Cesar Garavello and Heraldo Antonio Britski
Spatial and temporal distribution of Gymnorhamphichthys rondoni (Gymnotiformes: Rhamphichthyidae) in a long-term study of an Amazonian terra firme stream, Leticia – Colombia
Carolina Escamilla-Pinilla, José Iván Mojica and Jorge Molina
A new species of Astyanax (Characiformes: Characidae) from the rio de Contas basin, Bahia, Brazil
Angela Maria Zanata, Rafael Burger, George Vita and Priscila Camelier