Early life history of two Neotropical Triportheidae fish (Characiformes)
Ruineris Almada Cajado, Fabíola Katrine Souza Silva, Lucas Silva Oliveira, Zaqueu dos Santos Andréa Bialetzki and Diego Maia Zacardi
Early life history of two Neotropical Triportheidae fish (Characiformes) Read More »
Dynamics of fish larvae recruitment in the hydrographic basin of the Paraguay River in western Brazil
Tatiane Pires de Sousa, Andréa Bialetzki and Lucia Aparecida de Fatima Mateus
Water-level fluctuations lead to changes in the diet of an omnivorous fish in a floodplain
Isadora Cristina Bianchi-Costa, Bárbara Angélio Quirino, Lúcia Paz Cardozo, Kátia Yasuko Yofukuji, Matheus Henrique Ferreira Aleixo and Rosemara Fugi
Ichthyofauna on the move: fish colonization and spread through the São Francisco Interbasin Water Transfer Project
Augusto Luís Bentinho Silva, Giancarlo Arraes Galvão, Aline Alves Ferreira da Rocha, Silvia Maria Millan Gutierre, Geiza Rodrigues dos Santos, Bruno Dourado Fernandes da Costa, Luiz Cezar Machado Pereira and Patricia Avello Nicola